Deciding: to Stay or Separate?

Do you feel as if your relationship on the brink?

It deserves a good think.

Are you in one of those times when you’re worrying about whether your relationship can make it?

Perhaps, you’ve been unhappy for quite a while and you’re trying to figure out what to do.

Well, there are several solutions to this dilemma. We can and will explore each one of them and decide what’s right for you.

You and your relationship deserve time to focus on the struggles you’re having.

In just five sessions, we will create a strategy together.

Discernment Counseling addresses relationship issues and supports couples to work through a clear process with an objective and supportive coach — certified in the Discernment Process (ME!). 


Know where you're going and heal with Discernment Coaching.



the ability to judge well.


Relationships are everything -- and when they're not working, they can take a lot of energy out of us.

It's hard to be in these places.

As a coach, mediator, and psychotherapist, I have a combination of skills that help em to distinguish how to work with, on, and through relationship conflict and/or avoidance.

Figure out what you'll do -- instead of not thinking about it at all.

Discernment Coaching will help you to come out with a clear path for your relationship (e.g., a renewed commitment or amicable separation -- or even an agreement to be resourceful because of timing).

Things that are going on with the family, kids, or finances can mean that you just have to hang in there and wait for a better time to work on your relationship or to leave it.

By slowing down, we can make a plan for all of it.


This program is offered within my Relatable© Community, a space to gather with others and receive resources, guidance, courses, webinars, free talks, and more. 


Five Steps, Five Weeks

I take couples through a defined process to help them make a decision about their relationship.

We will walk through my five-step, five-week process, which will allow you to make a decision about your relationship.

  • Will you work on it?
  • Will you go?
  • Will you do nothing?
  • Why?

The 5-session program is $1,250.

Both parties will meet together with me first, and then I’ll orchestrate the following 90-minute sessions. 

During these sessions, you will gain valuable, applicable resources for whichever direction you choose to go.

  • Have you been struggling in your relationship, stuck in the exact same place for a really long time?
  • Do you feel like your partner has developed a revisionist history of the relationship, where you are constantly blamed and made to be the bad guy?
  • Did you fall out of love with this person a long time ago?
  • Are they having an affair?
  • Are you feeling like there’s no interaction, that you’re just living with a roommate, and you just can’t go on like this?

If you’re in a state, where you really need to do something about your relationship, please get in touch with me.

It’s really hard to remain stuck for so long and yet, it’s scary to move on.

I can help you to get unstuck and move forward!

Within my community, you'll also find a cohort group for people in this situation.

Get the Support you Need

Within my Relatable© community, you'll find a variety of programs and resources to support your journey towards healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

With a diverse selection of spaces to gather, learn, grow, and get support, you'll be able to start small and expand as you're ready.

If you're interested in joining THIS group, become a member of my Community and then add this group to your membership!