Strengthening Relationships

Create the Relationship You've Always Dreamed Of.

Feel truly connected.

Experience real and lasting intimacy.



Does your relationship need help to strengthen it and get it back to a place of strong intimacy, communication, and connection? Are there miscommunications, distance, lack of intimacy, and all you're meeting with is the stressful partner?

We’ll take a structured look at some of the areas where we create the most stress in our couple relationship (communication, sex, finances, feelings and unmet needs) and learn constructive ways for you and your partner to use the tools, practices and strategies to work on these areas and use conflict as an opportunity for growth -- not destruction.

Exploring Feelings & Unmet Needs

We’ll talk about the ways to have nonviolent communication with your partner and how you can use Imago Therapy techniques to approach your problems as a “team” and understand explore the impacts of projections and perspective within the relationship.

You will learn how to:

  • communicate with your partner in a nonthreatening (nonviolent) way;
  • understand how the past is informing your projections and perspective within the relationship;
  • catch yourself when you’re projecting onto your partner and when you’re feeling your partner’s projections onto you (and remember that these projections are not about you…); and
  • share your perceptions about reality, so that you’re on the same page with your partner and can understand where you think about things differently.

Creating Financial Intimacy

You will learn how to:

  • align your financial goals with your partner’s;
  • develop your financial skill set;
  • create a safe and common ground for collaborating on financial matters; and
  • break out of traditional thinking and create a plan that’s unique to your relationship. 

Expanding Sexual Intimacy

You will learn:

  • how to get in touch with what you actually desire and how to communicate your unmet needs and desires to your partner -- in a constructive, safe, and non-threatening way;
  • to negotiate the kinds of physical and emotional intimacy each of you want to have in your relationship;
  • how you can develop the intimacy with your partner -- around who each of you are today -- and get to a true, fulfilling and deep connection with your partner; and
  • the skills to approach the subject with confidence.

This program is offered within my Relatable© Community, a space to gather with others and receive resources, guidance, courses, webinars, free talks, and more. 

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  • Couples who are wanting to feel content and happy and work on/improve their relationship
  • Those in long-term relationships who want to work on the relationship in a more structured way to keep connected
  • Couples who have just met and want to develop a healthy base
  • Couples who want to stay together and maintain a healthy base
  • Couples who are going through a life change (e.g., having kids, having kids leave, having a death of a parent and wanting to get back on track)
  • People who are trying to pay more attention to their relationships
  • Couples who are continuing to add different tools and techniques to their foundation


Get the Support you Need

Within the Relatable© community, you'll find a variety of programs and resources to support your journey towards healthier and more fulfilling relationships. With a variety of spaces to gather, learn, grow, and get support, you'll be able to start small and expand as you're ready. 



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