March Newsletter: "Compartmentalize"


Hey Everyone! This is Susan Regan, and this month, I'm talking about "Compartmentalization."

But first...  my current online course "Strengthening Relationships" still has space {but enrollment closes March 22nd!}. If you're interested, learn more here.

So, this month, I wanted to talk about how you can use your senses to help yourself -- through Compartmentalization.

I'm bringing it up this month because there's so much going on in the world and our communities right now, and I feel that this is a practice that can really help you.

Sometimes we recognize that we need something because something is not working. If you're noticing that you're having a really hard time concentrating, being present, or transitioning to another activity, meeting or conversation, the practice of compartmentalizing can really help.

Here are a few tips...

Realize that there's a transition happening (something is ending and something else is starting). During this time, you may need to take care of yourself more than you usually do. You can take care of yourself with your senses. So, find a way to breathe, focus on something that's joyful, talk to a friend, eat something, or have some positive self-talk (e.g., you're going through something and you're going to get present in the next moment and focus on this next thing).

Check-in with your body. What feelings are coming up? Are you worrying about something or anticipating something? Are you feeling bad about yourself? What's going on?

Try to use the positive self-talk language to help yourself (it's OK, that was rough, that was a hard meeting, there was a lot of traffic, things are going to work out) -- whatever you need to say to encourage yourself to move forward.

If your mind is still really occupied and has worries, ask yourself... is this worry really helping? Is this thing that I'm really worrying about actually helping me to do what I need to do? ...or the next activity that I'm trying to get in to? So, ask yourself those questions and then try to find a place to put that worry.

Experts often speak about this... It's really difficult to stay focused if you're worried about something. Worry and anxiety will take up as much space as you give them. So give that worry and anxiety an appointment (I will think about you tonight after dinner or on my drive home), so that you can actually discipline yourself to be present and discipline your mind.

Did you ever realize that when you try to meditate, that your mind drifts all over the place? That's what I'm talking about... Compartmentalizing is continuing to bring your mind back to the present and practice just staying present with nothing else in your mind. 

So, it would be continuing to bring your mind back and focusing on the activity that's in front of you (compartmentalization). Multitasking just makes you feel stressed. If you can just focus on one thing at a time -- and really be there and really notice that the quality of how you show up and your presence really affects your life and the connections you have with other people and yourself.

I'm really enjoying bringing you some psychological tips and I'm hoping that you practice them right away and see if they have an impact!


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