
June Newsletter: Being More Present



This month, I will be continuing my discussion of these free, proven tips in FOUR topics. Choose the situation you’re currently experiencing below and listen to Susan talk about it via the audio link, or read the transcript.

Being Better in Your Daily Life:
Take good care of the most important relationship in your life–the one with yourself.


Deciding to Divorce:
Break free from the cycle...

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April Newsletter


This month I will be continuing my discussion of these free, proven tips in FOUR topics:

Deciding to Divorce:
Break free from the cycle of dependency.


How to easily work your way through transitions with your children, co-parent and yourself.


Strengthening Your Couple Relationship:
Listening and reflecting back creates deeper relationships.


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STRESSā€”Keep working on it! Come into this season with a plan.

The holidays can be a particularly difficult time of the year, between office parties, family get-togethers, friendship reunions, and holiday dinners. They all often lead to an increased amount of emotional distress.

What sort of emotional distresses?

Emotional sensitivity– You feel easily hurt. Small things tend to set off your emotions. You expect to be rejected and prepare for the worst.

Emotional reactivity– When something upsets you, you tend to react strongly....

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Healing & Transformation: Going Beyond Divorce

Transformations and changes are showing up in my divorce support groups!

My divorce support groups that begin as eight-week series often evolve into groups of people who continue on by joining the next session, and then extend their participation with series after series. The reasons are varied, but most of them feel that getting to the next level of healing is right around the corner, and they are motivated to keep working toward that goal. In the past month I have been hearing so many...

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Divorce: Opportunity to Transform Your Life

Divorce almost always entails a lot of negative emotions and consequences. It’s difficult to see anything positive in it. But it actually can be an opportunity for you to transform your life on an emotional level and change your lifestyle for the better. When intense things happen in our lives they often cause us to have to change radically.

Patterns that may have been formed long ago can keep us re-creating the same scenarios, even when they are not healthy positions for us. When these...

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Divorce Transformations: Helping Yourself through the Separation of Your Relationship

There are 7 stages of grief and loss that you will experience when going through separation.

The universal stages of grief and loss that are most recognizable are: denial/sadness, depression, anger, bargaining, and acceptance.

There are two other stages of grief that a person goes through during separation of a major relationship. It’s hard to look at the last two stages when you are deep and raw in grief.

The sixth stage is recovering from the damage caused by the relationship and...

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The Law of Choice

There is something called the law of choice where we have the ability to take responsibility and choose new interpretations that empower when trying to heal from divorce. We can take back aspects of ourselves that we have projected onto our mate. We can observe what self-defeating behavior we’ve displayed and how to react without this self-defeating behavior. How do we respond to different situations? The pain from the past and the fear of the future often keeps us stuck and unable to...

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